story fam

story fam

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mini-lution week one

As our family gets closer to some big changes in the near future, I browsed the mini-pledge section on 100daysofrealfood to see what little pledges were out there to test.  After browsing Lisa's ideas, I decided that our family could stand to try out a mini-lution within our bigger breakfast revolution-hey, what's wrong with another  mini-change?

With no fan fair or official announcement, today I started putting out two fresh fruit options at each meal.  For breakfast it was cantaloupe and apples.  For dinner......well....I offered the same.  I didn't say that I was creative-just wanting to offer two choices (I'm trying to win Warrior girl over!!).

In a moment of parenting genius, I covertly encouraged above child to help me make our blueberry muffins for tomorrow with the shameless hope that it would entice her to try one.  Sigh.  She has already informed me that she would prefer the muffins from a box and why exactly am I changing things when everyone in this house is perfectly happy?  Oh-she also asked how many days are in June and will we be done with this revolution at the end of June or is that a trick?  Insert witchy cackle and duh duh duh music.  Yep, things are changing around here and the healthy food is here to stay.

So back to the mini-lution of offering two fresh fruits at each meal-if you are willing to take the plunge and try this with me welcome to the party!!!!!  Let me know if you are signing on for the mini-lution, how it's going, and what fruit options are you serving.  It's so much fun to share!!!

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