story fam

story fam

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Baby it's cold outside

Have you noticed that it's getting cold out?? I know, I's November!! I also know how crazy it is to see the high school students standing out on the curb at 6:20 a.m. every morning in the cold!! Even if the temperature gradually warms up, MAN is it cold when they are waiting for that bus!! It is also cold enough for adults to have to scrape enough money together to buy a coat for their kids while going without themselves. What parents wouldn't make that sacrifice?

As part of the Imagine campaign at our church, tomorrow is the coat collection day where thousands of coats will be collected for children, teens, and adults with the goal that no person in our community is cold this winter. I am so humbled to be a part of a small group that came together and purchased 12 winter coats (in the photo above) for this special day. Derek and I are also deeply blessed to be volunteering at the coat collection and will be taking the donations, sorting sizes, and cutting tags so that on December 12th all of these items are ready for distribution.
It is with great joy that we are participating in these activities!! The blessing to us is far greater than the contributions that we are making. Don't forget, you can make a difference too this holiday season!!!
...I was naked and you clothed me...
Matthew 25:36

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