(they were NOT this cool when I was a 5th grade teacher! Mine was white with huge red lettering)
Among other things, 5th grade means DARE. DARE is an awesome program put on by local police enforcement to teach kids about D-drug A-abuse R-resistance E-education. But it is so much more than that! This program also teaches the kids about self esteem and having the power to "say no" to so much more than drugs and alcohol. It lays issues out on the table such as smoking, peer pressure, and friendship. The program begins to hold the students accountable for their actions and does address the question-what will you choose to do when faced with these choices? What I couldn't believe is that this program has been cut in our community!! Our 5th grade students are the only 2 classes in our area who received this program for the 2009-2010 school year! I hope that changes, because for some kids this will be the foundation that will help them cultivate the skills to remain drug and alcohol free through junior high and high school! That seems priceless to me.
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