story fam

story fam

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Strep Sunday

Well not only is it -1 degrees out right now we are in the throes of strep throat. Michael is on an antibiotic and Derek and I both woke to sore throats this morning (p.s. we are hoping it is due to our house being dry!!). We stayed home from church this morning in order to contain our germs and were trying to entertain the kids. What to do on a day where opening the front door to get the paper caused the house to feel chilly? We built a tent in the living room with chairs and blanket and then had Moms Rocking Readers underneath. We are almost done with the first Harry Potter book-only 4 more chapters to go before getting to watch the movie!! It is also the 4th Sunday of Advent so we will be lighting the last candle on our wreath and having another special family meal. I am making a special dessert that cooks in the crockpot for 5 hours. It is a yummy chocolate pudding cake that looks super yummy!! Our family activity is an art project to enjoy together. Maybe we will just hang out in our jammies all day? I know we aren't going anywhere and we are praying for a relief from illness!!

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