story fam

story fam

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Homemade peanut butter and apples

Fiona and Dr. Coffman peeling an apple

The homemade peanut butter-"It was really good Mom!"

"These peanuts make peanut butter?"

Ms. Taylor with the blender-Fiona looks perplexed.

After the big trip to Tanners, Dr. Coffman (Principal at school) and Ms. Taylor (Vice Principal of school) came to visit Ms. Hatchs' class to make homemade peanut butter and to peel apples. The kids all loved it!!! The peanut butter was made from peanuts mixed in a blender, and the apples were all peeled by a manual peeler courtesy of Dr. Coffman. They are wonderful administrators-as you can see, these women truely love these kids!! We are really blessed!!

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