Well it is official!! Michael and Ella are 7 years old-when did this happen? I remember their birth day clearly. I woke up at 6:30am and rolled (literally) myself out of bed. I stood up and thought I had wet my pants. As I walked downstairs, I realized that it wasn't urine trickling down my leg!!! Peris was sick with a horrible cold and was so miserable as we ran around trying to get ourselves ready to go-my due date was still 5 weeks away and we were NOT prepared for the coming of these 2 little babies!!! We got into the van with little commotion and made our way to St. Francis hospital where the nursing staff put me in a triage room until I told them that I was pregnant with twins. I got moved quickly into a labor room and then had a lengthly discussion with the resident doctor who argued that my water probably had not ruptured-wrongo buddy!!! One bag of water had ruptured (Ellas) so Dr. Kindred was called away from his golf game, Uncle Tim and Aunt Nan arrived, Peris left with Uncle Tim and I got prepared for the c-section. I do want to note that my Mom was somewhere in the deep part of Southern Illinois (thank you Uncle John for going to get her), Dereks parents were somewhere as well, and I couldn't reach my Dad or Pat either. It was just crazy.
Michael came first at 11:26am and Ella followed at 11:27am. I still remember all of the people in the OR waiting for their arrival. Dr. Kindred, the resident, 2 nursery nurses, 2 NICU nurses (just in case), an anesthesiologist, Derek and me. Wow-we had NO idea how our lives changed at that very moment-well moments. I remember looking at those 2 little babies and realizing how lucky we were that they were strong and healthy. Michael was 6lbs even and Ella was 6lbs 1oz-and they were 5 weeks early.
My Grandma Wiser told me that one didn't want to come alone so he brought along a sister. And what a pair they are.
Happy Birthday to my angel babies.
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