story fam

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
We did it!! MRR book #1
Monday, December 29, 2008
Menu Monday
Sunday, December 28, 2008
"The perfect couple"
Ella said that Emily and Jeremy are "the perfect couple Mom-they'll get married-I know these things". Ella has decided that she is going to be "head flower girl" and when I explained that Emily has nieces of her own Ella just shrugged her shoulder and said "Mom I want a tiara". Peris on the other hand admitted that she had a "little crush" on Jeremy. She told me this red faced-I'm thinking that I probably shouldn't air this on my blog but it was so cute!!!
I knew Jeremy was a stand up guy when instead of admitting to a dog allergy (which he has) he sat on our couch and petted Henry the entire time they were here-sorry Jeremy!!!!
We were thrilled to see Emily while she was here on Christmas!! She is a special part of our watch out Jeremy!! When it comes to Emily, the Story family means business:)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Our New Addition
Please help us welcome our newest, and final, addition: Henry Spencer Story. We found Henry at the pound and know that "he is the one" (says Fiona). Henry visited Deenie today (the groomer) and got the royal treatment. She was so impressed by him that she gave him the full groom and not just the bath that we asked for. Deenie was SO nice and fit him in (thank you Uncle Tim for making the call) so now he smells 100% better and looks so handsome. Then he was wisked off to meet his new Doctor, Dr. Olson. She gave him the once over and was very pleased. He got his rabbies shot and a blood test to check for heartworms. We did schedule him for his neuter and a minor surgery to remove a cyst on his left eye. We are so thrilled to report that Henry is a lovely dog-honestly he is doing far better than I had hoped!! He has used the restroom outdoors (knock on wood no accidents so far), didn't beg for food at dinner time, and has been so calm. Either this was meant to be or he is really playing us!! Right now he is laying at my feet resting-he is just so darn cute!!!!! I am so glad that we were patient-he really is going to be our forever friend!!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
The big haul
We are having a really great day-I can't believe that it is after lunch already!!! Tonight Grandma Choo Choo, Pat, Uncle Tim, Aunt Christine, and our special guest Rusty are coming over to play the Wii (Santa does rock!!) and have dinner. It has been a really special day!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What a wonderful day
Now it is 11:30 and we are waiting for Santa to come. Tomorrow will be another full day but it has been so much fun this year!! As the kids grow up I know the Christmas experience will begin to change, so I want to hold on to the magic as long as we can!! As Peris says, "You have to believe to receive".
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
December Reads
I posted about my reading a few spots back but wanted to update my reading list!! I just finished The Magicians Nephew and it was REALLY good!!! I decided that I will now read the whole C.S. Lewis series in order. I also picked up Twilight last night at the store-we'll see how it reads.
We are 3 chapters away from finishing The Sorcerers Stone as a family and it is getting REALLY good as well!!! I love that this book holds the attention of everyone in our clan. The kids want to read the next book in the Potter series (The Chamber of Secrets) so we will start that as well.
Happy Reading!!!!
Slow Cooker Chocolate Pudding Cake
1 pkg. chocolate cake mix
1 pkg. instant chocolate pudding
2 c sour cream
4 eggs
1 c water
3/4 c oil
1/4 t salt
2 c semi-sweet chocolate chips
non-stick veggie spray
whipped cream
Combine dry cake mix, pudding mix, sour cream, eggs, water, oil and salt in a mixing bowl. Beat on medium speed for 2 minutes. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour into a greased slow cooker (sprayed w/non-stick cooking spray). Cover and cook on low for 5 hours or until a toothpick comes out with moist crumbs. Serve warm and topped w/whipped cream. Makes 10-12 servings.
Hope this is a hit with your family!! I have already had requests for it again.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Menu Plan Monday (One crazy week!)
This is going to be one crazy week!! Christmas vacation has officially started, so now I am responsible for planning at home lunches as well. On top of our usual meals this week I am preparing a meal for a family at church who have newborn twins and will also be making dinner for our extended family on Christmas Day evening. I have our picture schedule ready for tomorrow so the day will be much more structured!! I can already tell that today (which was day 3 of little structure) was beginning to fall apart due to the lack of structure that we all enjoy around here. We are going to visit the Humane Society tomorrow as our fieldtrip which everyone will enjoy. I am looking for a dog to adopt so we'll see what we can find.
Menu for this week:
*Monday lunch: sandwiches
dinner: turkey and gravy over brown rice
dinner for the Ball family
*Tuesday lunch: mac/cheese
dinner: Minestrone Chicken Dinner
*Christmas Eve We will be enjoying lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Story and then
dinner with Grandma Pat and Pa Pa
*Christmas Day Breakfast: Cinnamon rolls (a Story Family tradition!)
Lunch: something REALLY easy!!
Dinner: Loaded potato soup, crockpot chili, honey cornbread, frozen pizza
(my brother Tim isn't very adventurous so we have to please him too)
*Friday lunch: nuggets
Dinner: grilled cheese and soup
*Saturday Christmas at Grandma Choo Choo's
*Sunday C.O.R. day (Clean Out Refridgerator.....i.e. leftovers)
I also want to note that I made an AWESOME crockpot dessert today that the kids loved-a chocolate/pudding cake that is served hot with whipped cream-delicious!!!!!
For more recipes check out!!
Strep Sunday
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Winter Luncheon
My favorite cookbooks of 2008
Illness and Ice Storm
Sick day activities:
- t.v.
- coloring book and crayons
- read Lyle the Crocodile at Christmas
- read Harry Potter
- t.v.
- nap, nap, nap (for Michael not me darn it)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What's on your Nightstand?
So what is everyone reading these days? I have heard rave reviews about Twilight, The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, The Namesake and many other good picks. Right now I am inbetween books and find that sitting still long enough to actually read has been difficult. But with holiday break coming up I need to find something that is really good!! My picks for break:
- The Fairacre Series by Miss Read (have heard that this series is very Mitford-esque)
- The Story of Edgar Sawtelle (currently am reading this one-it's good!)
- The Magician's Son (the first in the Wardrobe series)
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Mom's Rocking Readers next pick)
I'd love to hear some other suggestions!!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday Menu Plan
Tuesday Date night
Wednesday Italien Meatball Sandwiches
Thursday Breakfast night (waffles, eggs, toast)
Friday Take out night or frozen pizza
Saturday Take out night or frozen pizza (I teach all day so something easy)
Sunday Sphagetti and Meatballs, salad, french bread
Third Advent Sunday
Here are a few other simple ideas that you can do to celebrate the coming of Jesus' birthday together as a family:
*Make ice cream cone trees-take sugar cones and "paint" them with green icing. Attach candy and you have an edible tree.
*Drive around as a family and "ooh" and "ahh" over neighborhood Christmas lights
*Go online and print off a few holiday coloring sheets-get your inner-child groove on and color with the fam
* Purchase a holiday puzzle. Set aside a few minutes each night, or morning, and put the pieces together as a family.
*Gather all of your holiday books together a place them in a basket under the tree. Each night read one story together as a family. You can always add a new book to your stash each year to grow your library.
*Go caroling in your neighborhood. I don't know about you, but our neighbors would LOVE to see us show up at their door and bring this wonderful tradition back to life!!!!
During this busy time of the year make sure you take a few minutes out to spend time focusing on the reason for the season with your children. There are memories to be made!!!
God bless!!