Each birthday morning we get up and the birthday child walks through streamers that we tape on their door frame to kick the celebration off first thing. Fiona was up at the crack of dawn (shocking) and was ready to open her presents!!
I still remember the day she was born. I wasn't feeling well in the early afternoon and went to see the OB who sent me over to the maternity floor for "monitoring". I ran into a friend on the way over who asked if I was going to have the baby. I remember laughing at her and thinking this kid isn't due for weeks!! But God had other plans for Fiona and delieverd she was. Fiona was our first child that was born here in town and so she was welcomed by many. I remember thinking how awesome (and overwhelming) it was to wake up in the recovery room to a packed house. She was perfect from the very start. My little pink baby girl who mewed like a kitten (remember that Derek?). She has blessed our lives beyond what we deserve. Always ready to say, "I love you Mom" and quick to bring a smile to anyone who is around her.
Happy Birthday Fiona.
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