Dear Mom and Dad,
I'd like it if you got me an iTouch. I really want one because then I could talk to my friends (though I wouldn't use it for cheatingon tests, or chitchatting about something me or my friends like to talk about). I put a lot of work into this letter, and even brainstormed 4 reasons. Want to hear them? Here they are:
The first reason I brainstormed is - You both might not know where I am, so you could call me on my iTouch and ask where I am (for example, if I wandered off in "IKEA", you really would know where I am). You will always know where I am if I have an iTouch!
The second reason I brainstormed - For emergency reasons (for example if Cat is babysitting us and if something else happend to Cat, I'd need to call you, or Cat could tell me her parents phone numbers so I could call one of them, or if I got a babysitting career and if I were sitting a little boy/girl, they might get sick so we'd have to go to a doctor or even a hospital and I could call her/his parents and let them know what's going on)!
The third reason I brainstormed - When I'm in third grade, I'll do circus, right?! Therefore, I might do a stay late act (like Accrodance) and if Ms. Kim or Mrs. Shook just told me, I would need to call you and let you know.
The final reason I brainstormed is - I could make good efforts to help around the house by : doing laundry, clean my bathroom, set up Henry's food dishes, take him on family walks, and help set up the table more. By doing all these jobs, I could pay you both back.
In conclusion, I believe I deserve and iTouch because: you will now where I am, emergency reasons, if I have a stay late act in circus, and helping around the house. I believe these reasons were true, and I hope you do too!!
(Yes friends this is a real letter written by my 8 year old! I had to share it because a) she is SOOO scary smart - which p.s. is not from her parents - and b) what the heck does an 8 year old need with an i Touch??????? Sorry Ella..the answer still is no!)
story fam

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Jr. Gamma Phi Circus 2010
Peris, Pa Pa, and Grandma Pat
This year the Jr. Gamma Phi Circus put on LaLapa Zoola for the 2010 season. For those of you who aren't familiar with the circus, this is a junior version of ISU's Gamma Phi Circus that is put on annually by college students. The junior version began way back in the fall when the students got to pick and begin practicing their acts. There is so much hard work that goes in to this show!! Props to Ms. Kim for everything that she does!!
This year Peris stepped out and chose some new acts to perform in! We were really proud of her courageous spirit! She performed in vaulting, cylinders, globes, and acrodance. Plus this year she was a Mistress of Ceremony and entertained the audience with a few jokes while introducing an act.
Next year we will have 3 circus performers as Ella and Michael will be eligible to participate. We are so blessed to have our kids in a school where something like this is an opportunity!
The Gamma Phi Circus is coming up and let me tell you it is something to see!! I would encourage you to find the specific dates and head out for a show that you will absolutely enjoy!!
Happy Easter at Grandma Choo Choo's
Easter Eggs the Natural Way
Purple from crushed and boiled blueberries
This year Grandma Choo Choo introduced us to the art of dying eggs naturally. While it took more time than the traditional method of vingar and food coloring pellets, it was a really cool process that caused the kids to think about their senses. We deduced that some of the dye was too sticky, too stinky (chili powder and tumeric), and very vibrant. Here is what we used for each color:
Pink - Red raspberries (ours were frozen/crushed/then boiled)
Yellow - tumeric
Orange/brown - chili powder
Purple - blueberries (again these were frozen/crushed/boiled)
We agreed that the blueberries were really sticky and next year would need to be thinned out to a different consistancy. We also need to find a better container for the drying process-these eggs were very sticky and wet and needed more than the egg carton that I used.
If you are looking for a different way to color your eggs next year, I highly recommend it!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
1st Grade Family Reading Night
I think this is one of our favorite events during the school year! The 1st grade family reading night is where you dress in comfy clothes (YES the Story family rocked jammies! and I think we were the only ones who did) and come with the sole purpose of reading together. This year the kids were treated to the reading of A Fine Fine School and it was awesome!! We always enjoy this night-it is really special!
Fox River Getaway (The Story's are spontaneous)
As many of you know, we aren't able to get away for spring break due to our crazy school schedules. In lieu of those weeks, we were on stand by to get away to a time share about 1 1/2 hours north of us. We waited anxiously ALL week, Derek kept calling and we were told that we were on the top of the list. Finally on Friday night right before 5 Derek called again and we were given the confirmation to head up!! In a mad dash, we through clothes in baskets, food in plastic bags, Uncle Tim and Aunt Christine (really Aunt Christine) graciously took Henry, and off we went! We spent 2 nights and 3 days at the time share and it was awesome!! Lots of swimming, eating, and relaxing which was JUST what our family needed!!
P.S. as soon as I figure out how to get the pictures off of my phone, I'll post swimming pool shots!
Apples, and Toes
Our new favorite game around here is Apples to Apples Jr. We were introduced to this game by our good friend Logan. One night as we were playing, I looked over and noticed that Fiona was using her feet instead of her hands to fan the cards out and lay them on the table. Oh my gosh we all laughed so hard!! It was one of those priceless moments that still makes me giggle!!!
Fiona, you are the best!
Happy Birthday Fiona ( March 5th )
Each birthday morning we get up and the birthday child walks through streamers that we tape on their door frame to kick the celebration off first thing. Fiona was up at the crack of dawn (shocking) and was ready to open her presents!!
I still remember the day she was born. I wasn't feeling well in the early afternoon and went to see the OB who sent me over to the maternity floor for "monitoring". I ran into a friend on the way over who asked if I was going to have the baby. I remember laughing at her and thinking this kid isn't due for weeks!! But God had other plans for Fiona and delieverd she was. Fiona was our first child that was born here in town and so she was welcomed by many. I remember thinking how awesome (and overwhelming) it was to wake up in the recovery room to a packed house. She was perfect from the very start. My little pink baby girl who mewed like a kitten (remember that Derek?). She has blessed our lives beyond what we deserve. Always ready to say, "I love you Mom" and quick to bring a smile to anyone who is around her.
Happy Birthday Fiona.
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