story fam

story fam

Monday, January 25, 2010


So here it is, my first Max Lucado book. I have avoided his literature for a long time. Why? No particular reason. I just thought that since he seems to mass produce books they just couldn't be that good. Oh I was so wrong-please accept my apologies Mr. Lucado. Your fans have been right all along. This book is all about becoming fearless through Jesus Christ. I picked it up because I have fears, as does every parent, but mine sometimes verge on obsessive-there, I put it out there. I have big fears: what if that pea sized lump under my jaw bone is cancer? To medium sized fears: what if my kids aren't in the same school system next year? To smaller sized fears: what if one of the kids gets hurt at school? I mean don't we all fear something? Hey, just turn on the tv or open up the newspaper and there is enough doom and gloom to cause us all to pause. But this book takes a stand on fear. It guides us through so many of our deepest fears and then disproves those fears through scripture that show the love that Christ has for us. Got a legitimate concern that has morphed into panic? See page 49-50. Worried about your kids? There's a whole chapter on that!! Money as issue? God's got you covered and so does the chapter called Make-Believe Money. So if you've got a fear/concern/some anxiety pick up this little gem! It's an easy read that has helped to ease my mind!!! I don't think it will disappoint!!
Take courage! I am here! Matthew 14:27 NLT
and my new favorite:
Pour your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands towards him for the life of your young children ~ Lamentations 2:19

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