story fam

story fam

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hoose Hawks

On Thursday we were graciously allowed a visit to the new school that Michael will be attending next fall as a second grader. His time at Prairieland is up and in order to make this transition as smooth as possible we got to meet Mr. Alexander (in photo) who will be teaching Michael next year. I have to say that from the minute we entered Hoose I felt at peace. The school secretary was upbeat and so kind, we saw several people in the hallway that we knew, Mrs. Boyd came and found Michael and then we got to officially meet Mr. Alexander (who, by the way, I went to U-High all comes full circle!). Michael and Mr. Alexander hit it off immediately! I could tell that Michael was instantly at ease and many of the anxious behaviors that he had prior to the meeting are gone.
So thank you to the administrators and to Mr. Alexander for making a HUGE difference in the quality of summer that Michael will have! This visit meant so much to our family!!

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