The girls watching Disney (minus Emmy who went to bed at 5:30pm-she is now sick)
Good riddance to 2008!! I don't know about you, but I am thrilled to have a fresh start with 2009!!! 2008 was a very rough year for our family! With prolonged illness, job changes, school schedules, etc. it was difficult to juggle the day to day activities that our family was faced with. Even though we did face many difficult circumstances, God provided us with so many blessings to report: Emmy was accepted into Metcalf's preschool (yes it is a typical setting where she is not typecast as the special needs little girl-hooray! She has gotten a fresh start and is doing fantastic), Peris has spread her wings and has chosen to become involved in activities at school, Michaels IEP has been reduced to consultation (he will be returning to his home school, Hoose, next year), Ella has "the best teacher ever" for first grade (she is what ALL teachers should strive to emulate!!), Fiona also has "awesome Mrs. Nevius and Ms. Hatch-they have cool fish Mom!"(also two of the finest women I have EVER met!). Derek was blessed with a promotion at ISU and also received a second appointment to teach COMM 110 at ISU again in the Spring. He is such a good teacher-those kids are really fortunate to have such a caring teacher!! As for me, I have to say that I have a new appreciation for being healthy. Being ill for many months has given me a renewed appreciation for the little things: cooking a meal, doing the laundry, taking care of my kids, sleep, laughter, and shopping at Walmart. 2009 holds so much promise for our family!! I do think this is going to be our year!!
Happy New Year!
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