story fam

Friday, January 30, 2009
God is always at work around us
We walked into NPL for reading partners and had to drop off an overdue book. When we got up to the counter, Miss Pixie was off to the side with a young woman and they were crying. Michael walked those few steps towards the two women (before I could yank him back) and asked, "why are you crying?". Miss Pixie told us that this young woman was going to be leaving the library for 2 months to go to Florida with her family and that they were both sad. I nudged Mike and said introduce yourself..he did. The young woman introduced herself, Kim, and then Mike stepped forward and gave her a big hug and kiss. This prompted the hugging of Kim by the girls as well. As we walked away, Peris stopped on the stairs and said, "Mom she has a disability doesn't she? " And I said yes, she has downs syndrome. Peris then asked me several questions: will she ever marry, can she have a boyfriend, how old was she (38-only one year older than me) and when I answered no to those questions she looked right at me with this innocent smile and said"Mom it doesn't even matter because I saw that man by her-it's her Dad and you can tell he loves her. Mom, family is all we Mom and God." Yes, I openly wept in the Childrens Department.
This precious moment has caused much reflection for me. I was challenged this week my best pal Renee to start looking for God. She suggested that since God is love, where we see love we see God. I am here to tell you that yesterday afternoon I was blessed to be in the presence of God in the midst of those hugs and a single kiss given to a stranger by my son. I witnessed children, who are free of our adult constraints that hold us back when we see someone hurting, love another human being just because she was sad. It was a beautiful thing.
And for the record, Kim has a boyfriend and goes on double dates frequently.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Menu plan Monday for a week of madness
I am not sure how we have become so crazy busy. I am not an activites kind of Mom. I do not enjoy running around from place to place-I embrace this about myself. We have learned this year that with 5 kids we will be limiting the activities that we choose to commit to. So far we are doing basketball with all 5 kids, piano for 3 girls, reading partners for 4 kids, chess club for Michael, Peris is in circus and the school play, and we participate in Wednesday night church-I feel like I am leaving something out. Thank goodness we haven't been sucked into PCSL or an organized sports league where we endure weekend practices and games!!! This week I am teaching two nights and Derek is gone teaching one night as well so our meals are pretty routine again. I am falling back into a rut and would love some new suggestions!!!!!
Monday: Chicken nuggets and a veggie
Tuesday: Sandwich night
Wednesday: Chicken patties, cheesy potatos
Thursday: Baked cheese ziti, french bread, salad (can you tell this isn't a busy night?)
Friday: Burgers and fries
Saturday: Taco bar
Sunday: Chicken pot pie (didn't get this made last week)
If you have ANY easy, good recipes to share I am in need of some new meals to add to the rotation!!!! Check out for more menu plans and ideas.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Another snowy play day
Mike demanding to have his picture taken
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Menu Plan Monday
My work schedule this week is busy-I work tonight, teach Tuesday, teach Wednesday and teach Friday. My menu reflects that in several fast and easy dinner plans that are easy to make (or easy for Derek to put together).
Monday- sloppy joes, tater tots
Tuesday- Gramma Choo Choo is coming over with dinner (last week was a bust due to weather)
Wednesday- Meatloaf, steamed veggies
Thursday- Chicken pot pie
Friday- Pizza
Saturday- Left overs/sandwich night
Sunday- Pork chops, steamed veggies
For more meal suggestions check out
Here is to a week of temperatures that reach the teens (spring, where are you??)!!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
15 years ago...
You will always be my hottie hot hottie....
Day 3 at home
The temperatures are still hovering around -25 degrees with the wind chill and even Henry looks at me like I'm crazy when I try to take him out! Today we are spending our morning upstairs-the kids are taking turns taking long baths-a real treat!!
I took my next Flybaby step and started to work on the weekly zone. This week is the bathroom and one other room. To start, the Flylady says that there is no cleaning-just decluttering for 15 minutes until the junk is gone. Yesterday I decluttered the "duck" bathroom and will then move on to the girls' bathroom. I need to clean out under the sink. Of course the bathroom downstairs is also in need of decluttering so that will be on the agenda as well. The great thing is that I can do anything for 15 minutes (the length of time spent decluttering in the zone area). I am also happy to report that both my desk and the counter by the fridge are still clean-hooray for me!! And I also cleaned out the hall closet that we repurposed into a pantry area. I purged old crayons, markers, coloring books that were full, old paints, dried up glue, crumpled up paper goods-they are all gone!!
After lunch we are going to have quiet time courtesy of the Disney Channel and maybe make a cake for dessert tonight??
It is nice to just be at home.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Childrens Classics
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Snow Day
Emmy and Peris making a train
Emmy and Ella making a train
Fiona leads the way
Mike at the bottom of the slide
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Mommy Revolution
Today on the way to the vet, I happend to turn on Midday Connection (on Moody Bible Radio) and started to listen to these awesome women discussing "the perfect" Mom and how she doesn't really exist. There was so much more to this program, but it was extremely freeing to listen to a group of women talk about how as Moms we need to come together and support one another. We need to recognize that my view of motherhood isn't the same as yours and MOST importantly NEITHER of us are right.
Check out the above link for the Mommy Manifesto-some really awesome ideas about what Motherhood should look like-man we would all be so much happier if we took some of these suggestions to heart!
My favorite...motherhood is NOT a competitive sport!!! A close Moms we are required to feed, clothe, shelter, love and nurture our children. Everything else (carpooling, trips to the mall, attendance at EVERY activity) is "gravy". Ahhh....these women could so be my friends!!!
Good Morning Routine
I am moving on to the Good Morning Routine today. I revamped my routine as my original list was far too long. Sometimes detail can be a bit too much!! Here is my new routine:
Start coffee
Get dressed/brush teeth
Empty dishwasher
What is for dinner?
Load of laundry
Wipe out bathroom sinks
Make the bed
What is on the schedule for today?
Read my bible
This is a shorter, and more "do-able" list for my mornings. I can get this done and move on to bigger things. I also intend on doing a few 15 minute clean ups and some 27 fling boogies downstairs.
Yesterday I did a 15 minute tidy in Peris and Ella's room and it looks so much better!!! I then moved on to the Barbies while playing with Emmy. I disposed of 3 Walmart sacks full of broken dolls, ripped clothing, and misc. items that had been shoved into the drawers. Now we are down to about 20 dolls versus the 46 dolls we had prior to my purge. Little by little we will clean out the clutter-no need to rush.
Emmy and I enjoyed some snuggle time this morning reading books while we watched it snow. A little SNOWY DAY by Ezra Jack Keats hit the spot. She is now taking a bath and then it's my turn. I'm being paged.....
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Before Bed Routine
Check calendar
Start a "to do" list
Load/run dishwasher
make coffee
Pick up living room/adjust slip covers
wipe off kitchen counters/table
lay out my outfit for tomorrow
check backpacks
make lunches
shine sink
Most of these things are done at or after dinner but I love being able to check things off!
Today I am also going to do a 15 minute blitz in Peris and Ella room to get some clutter under control-this has to be done while they are at school in order to avoid any freaking out. I am happy to report that my counter by the fridge is still clear and my desk is still in order-hooray!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Monday Menu Plan
Last week I didn't follow my menu as closely as I usually do. I was off a day due to the week prior and then one night we ordered pizza. Tonight I am going to back track so I will still be left with two dinners that I didn't use.
This week takes us back to our busy school schedule. Monday we start basketball through the Autism Society, Tuesday Derek starts teaching his class, Wednesday I teach, Thursday starts our dog training class and then it is the weekend. I decided to do some very easy meals this week-they aren't very exciting but they are efficient.
Monday- Chicken nuggets
Tuesday- Gramma Choo Choo is coming over and bringing dinner
Wednesday- Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, french bread
Thursday- Crock pot chicken and noodles, veggies, crescent rolls
Friday- Bagel pizzas
Saturday- Breakfast night
Sunday- Crockpot chilli and grilled cheese (this is left over from last weeks menu)
For more really good menu ideas check out are some awesome moms out there working really hard to create delicious dinners for their families!!! I have gotten some really good ideas from browsing blogs.
Hope it is a good week!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Babystep 3-The Hot Spot
We will also be doing a 27 fling boogie which is so easy. You take a garbage bag and QUICKLY go through the house and pick up 27 items that go into the garbage bag and DON'T come out. The garbage bag is immediately sealed and placed into the outdoor garbage can. Very effective!!! We will be doing this in all of the kids' bedrooms-watch out I come (Ella is our resident collector of stuff. She is not yet the packrat that her twin is but close!).
Then we will be doing a shortened version of the home blessing. The home blessing consists of regular household chores that the flylady devotes one hour to per week. Things on her list are : vaccuum, change sheets, dust, mop, etc. Today we will be changing our sheets, vaccuuming bedrooms-kids will be doing their own, and I will run scooba Steve in the kitchen.
I don't like to take up our Saturday doing chores, but if we do this together it shouldn't take more than one hour and we will all feel better.
Uncle Tim and Aunt Christine are coming over tonight for dinner and some Wii and after our hard work it will be a well deserved treat!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Baby step two-tie your shoes
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Babystep one-Shiny Sink
This week the manicotti was delicious and went overy okay-it was very easy. I actually made it in the afternoon and then popped it in the oven after I picked the kids up. Last nights chicken and rice bake was met with a bit of hesitation-the rice wasn't a big hit. Tonight we're having Italien Beef which isn't ever a hit with the kids but if they are hungry enough they'll eat.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hello Flylady! Step one-shine your sink!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Our 2009 Bucket List
1. What is something you would like to do that is FREE?- go to the pool (we get a pass), go camping (yikes), have a friend over, go to the museum, walk on the trail, go sledding.
2. What is something you would like to do that requires money?-go to the zoo, get a Wii game, go see a movie at the Galaxy theatre (this costs us a small fortune), get Dilly Bars from DQ, spend a weekend with Derek-ALONE.
3. If you could go out for dinner where would you go?- Steak and Shake (Ella), Chili's (Michael), Cracker Barrel (Peris), McDonalds (Fiona), "The Piggy Place"-Famous Dave's (Emmy).
We are also enrolling Henry in the PAWS (Pets Are Walking Saints) program through Wesley United Methodist church. He will go through 5 weeks of training to earn his Good Citizen Award and if he passes he will be eligible to be taken to nursing homes or other places in the community for others to enjoy him. We are doing this as a family and are really excited.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
First Menu Plan Monday of 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
It's Official
Henry, meet Rusty
Happy New Year!
The girls watching Disney (minus Emmy who went to bed at 5:30pm-she is now sick)
Good riddance to 2008!! I don't know about you, but I am thrilled to have a fresh start with 2009!!! 2008 was a very rough year for our family! With prolonged illness, job changes, school schedules, etc. it was difficult to juggle the day to day activities that our family was faced with. Even though we did face many difficult circumstances, God provided us with so many blessings to report: Emmy was accepted into Metcalf's preschool (yes it is a typical setting where she is not typecast as the special needs little girl-hooray! She has gotten a fresh start and is doing fantastic), Peris has spread her wings and has chosen to become involved in activities at school, Michaels IEP has been reduced to consultation (he will be returning to his home school, Hoose, next year), Ella has "the best teacher ever" for first grade (she is what ALL teachers should strive to emulate!!), Fiona also has "awesome Mrs. Nevius and Ms. Hatch-they have cool fish Mom!"(also two of the finest women I have EVER met!). Derek was blessed with a promotion at ISU and also received a second appointment to teach COMM 110 at ISU again in the Spring. He is such a good teacher-those kids are really fortunate to have such a caring teacher!! As for me, I have to say that I have a new appreciation for being healthy. Being ill for many months has given me a renewed appreciation for the little things: cooking a meal, doing the laundry, taking care of my kids, sleep, laughter, and shopping at Walmart. 2009 holds so much promise for our family!! I do think this is going to be our year!!
Announcing...MRR second book pick