story fam

story fam

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Goody Bags

We celebrated Peris' friend birthday party yesterday at the water park. She had a really good time running around with her friends. It just proved to me that there is no reason a fortune has to be spent on birthday parties!! This year I am boycotting the goody bag. This idea of providing a bag full of dollar store stuff has annoyed me since we jumped on the party circut. I have never understood why the birthday girl/boy should provide a parting gift-it is their special day!! It was liberating to have a free venue for the party, a Walmart cake (which I LOVE), and no goody bags. The kids had a blast and we didn't have to take our a loan to ensure that Peris had fun.

I am still in denial that she is going to be nine. I have no idea where the time went. She is really growing up. I still remember her first birthday like it was yesterday. She wasn't walking and at her little party she stood and took her first few steps. We screamed so loud that she fell down and started to cry. Now she is going into 4th grade-yet when I look at her I still see my first little baby.

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