I've been a bit lax with the blogging lately. So I thought I would get up to speed with the goings on here. Specifically, what does life post 30 day revolution look like.
As the summer has progressed, I have to admit that my will power and drive has worn down a bit. Dude, it takes a lot of effort to make those pancakes/muffins/scrambled eggs every day!! There are no Lucky charms in the house, but I did buy Cheerio's. No pop tarts but I caved and got sour dough pretzels. No microwave popcorn, but I did purchase a Stir Crazy (friends if you do not have one of these you NEED to get one!!!!). No white bread, but I did purchase a few loaves of whole wheat from Sams. I have become flexible in what I buy, but the kids have stopped asking for a lot of the junk which is AMAZING!!!! I can actually walk down the cracker aisle and they go right to the triscuts instead of the cheese it's!! Yes, I am still lamenting the gold fish crackers!! I love them so.
Our meals are similar to what I prepared during our 30 day revolution. I have brought back some old favorite recipe's and tweaked them. Baked ziti with whole wheat noodles and homemade sauce, "easy" joes(which are homemade sloppy joes-delish) made with low sugar ketchup, and a lot of grilled chicken. I did also follow through on my weekly rotation and it worked beautifully!! The kids didn't even notice that the meals were the same. I will be doing this for the school year on a monthly basis. It just creates a wonderfully organized system of getting meals on the table. It makes grocery shopping easier-and isn't that what we all really want?
I have a new challenge that I am going to gear up for now-the school lunch. Those 3 little words that make me quiver, sigh, and wait...I feel a headache coming on!! It is the worst part of the school year!! Coming up with clever food items to put in that little lunch bag-man, it just drives me crazy!!! I'll give you more insight on what it looks like to prepare a school lunch around here at a later date. I just can't even go there right now-I haven't had enough coffee!!! But I need some healthy choices.
My other big news is that Mama got a job!! After almost 13 years of being at home (well for 8 of said years I have worked various part time jobs but nothing full time) I am headed back to the land of full time work. Am I excited-YES YES and YES again!! Do I wonder what that is going to look like for our family? Of course. I have scoured pinterest for organization tips (who am I kidding....I scour pinterest for any tip!!), recipe's and other information to get myself geared up for this transition. Can I still make healthy meals for my fam while throwing a job into the mix of all that returning to school brings (i.e. I become a glorified taxi driver to and from all after school activities)? Why yes, I do believe that I can. It is kind of sickening, but I operate well when busy. The summer is my time to recharge, and by September I am ready to roll!!!
This is going to be awesome!! So if you have any healthy lunch tips, let's start there. And if you have any other tips about being a working mom share those too!! I think if we all shared more about the things that make our lives easier, we would all be so much happier:)