Gotta love first graders!!

After months of waiting and then being sick for 14 days, Emmy finally was featured friend in first grade. Each day for one week, Emmy was in the spotlight and was able to have visitors come in to meet her class. On Tuesday, Derek went in and read a book; but the REAL deal happened on Thursday when Ollie came to visit. Last year as a kindergartener (seriously) Emmy asked if Aunt Christine and "the baby" (who wasn't born yet) would come see her on her featured friend week. It was a great morning!! While Ollie wasn't sure at the beginning of the visit, he cheered right up and was the most popular 5 1/2 month old around!! The first graders adored him!!! I got to go in for my visit on Friday to read a book and when questions were asked they went something like this:
"When can you bring Ollie back for a visit Mrs. Story?"
Maybe at the end of the year my little first grade friends!!!