story fam

story fam

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Peris turns 10!

Birthday cupcakes..cute look with the icing
Late to bed and early to rise...breakfast donuts and juice

A "31" bag that Peris wanted

Singing along to a new Taylor Swift CD on Peris' new cd player
It has been a birthday-palooza here at Chez Story!! Peris celebrated with her family on Saturday afternoon and then had her two really good friends over for an overnight. She (and the rest of us) had such a fantastic time with her friends. We had been warned that it would be insane, but I have to say that the girls were perfect!! They ate cupcakes, watched a movie, played Wii Disney Sing-It, talked, giggled, stayed up WAY too late, and got up WAY too early!!
So what was I doing 10 years ago today? I do distinctly remember sitting in my bed at Methodist Medical Center staring at this tiny little creature in amazement. I just could not even begin to fathom how I was given this perfect little girl to love. Serioulsy, I couldn't imagine why the nurses were going to let us take her home-I really had no idea what to expect. Wednesday came and I felt pretty confident that we would be okay-heck, she never cried in the hospital and the nursery was in charge at night!! Life was good!! Then we got home and things quickly changed. Derek and I couldn't get Peris to stop crying, breastfeeding was a nightmare (why don't lactation consultants tell new Moms that breastfeeding is really hard??), and sleep was NOT on our agenda. So what did I do? I waited until 5:30a.m. and called the Methodist post partum unit to ask if we could bring her back-no I'm not kidding..I really did. Man that kid would just not stop the crying. Now here we are in the blink of an eye 10 years later with a 5th grader. In another blink she will be a freshman in high school and quite frankly I can't even think past that. What I would give for just a few more hours with a snuggly newborn who has that delicious smell-the baby powder/freshly bathed/Baby Magic lotion scent that I love to inhale. I used to find it so irritating when Moms would look at me with that wistful gaze and tell me how fast the infant and toddler years go by-now I am one of those Moms who says those very same words to strangers. I am the Mom who sits in Starbucks watching a younger Mom and her daughter share a hot chocolate and I am the one thinking- hold on tight to those memories because it flies by!! It really flies by.
Happy birthday Peris!! I love you sweets!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

First Days of School

Fifth grader
Second grader

Emmy with Ms. Hatch on her first day of kindergarten

Emmy with Mrs. Nevius on her first day

"Second grade rocks!"

First grader

We have officially survived the first week of school-whew. I'm not sure who is struggling more-the kids or me (have you ever tried to make 5 school lunches??? AHHH). Here are some pic's to enjoy:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So this was just too good not to write about........

Students are back and Daddio has to walk from office to office during the day. During the summer these walks are uneventful and quiet but at the end of August things really do change on campus. Just imagine driving up to the dorm with your freshman daughter and catching a glimpse of a sign that reads..."Dad's, drop your freshman daughters off HERE", or "You honk, we drink"...oh, and it's only 8am. Now imagine that you are walking alone from your office and you see a group of guys cat calling off of their 4th story deck. It's funny you're thinking......until you hear.....

"S'up GRANDPA"...

Yes you read it right!!! Daddio was cut to his very core by a group of college boys who yelled off of that 4th story deck these very words that burned the reality of adulthood into his brain....S'up Grandpa. Sigh. I would HATE to think of what they would've yelled at me-or to be honest, I would hate to think that they wouldn't even have bothered to yell anything!!!!

Welcome back college students and thanks for the reminder that we aren't in your age group anymore:)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Countdown

Well after 10 years of having a little person home with me the times they are a changin'. I know I know-I'll get used to it. I'll love it. The time will go by so fast while the kids are gone. I'll get so much done-or I'll get nothing done at all. I'll "find" myself again. I can watch tv/read/go shopping/experience this new life without kids during the day.

I'm still not excited. I am still left wondering what do I do now? Sure I will enjoy some down time, but overall I have to admit that I am really going to miss having kids here with me. I'm not trying to glorify my mothering experience -and there are no rose colored glasses here...but I didn't think I would struggle this much with Emmy going to kindergarten.

So in 4 days our lives will change. We will be a family of all school aged children. Homework and activites will keep us busy-but man am I looking forward to next summer already.
