story fam

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Michael looses his FIRST tooth
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Cross Pointe Ladies Night Out @ Artful Designs
Joanne and I
Sue getting ready to create Italian inspired tiles
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Kid's Picks
I'm sure my kids (my 7 year old twins and the 5 year old) would be the first to tell you that their current favorite books are the Captain Underpants series. I'm not sure if they are really the best reading material (yep, they are FULL of bad potty humor) , but my son has been an engaged reader for the past 2 weeks and I am thrilled to see him reading!!
Our family does a morning book club called "Mom's Rocking Readers". I initially started this to cut down on morning crabbiness and it has turned into a really special part of our day. Our book club has finished the first Harry Potter book and we are currently reading book number 2 :Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. Our members are ages: 9, 7, 7, 5, 4, 35, 37. Everyone above the age of 4 participates by reading at least a paragraph aloud and we do try to get a chapter done every 2-3 days. This book has been slower but we have had a lot of sickkies and we haven't been able to read every day. Nonetheless, it is a great book and we are all looking forward to watching the movie when we are done!
My 5 year old is enamored by the book : Velma Gratch and the Way Cool Butterfly and my 4 year old LOVES the Good Dog Carl series.
I get so excited when I see them reading-it is one of my favorite things to do as well!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Menu Plan Monday...the sickness continues
Okay, I have 2 kids on the mend and 2 that are not doing so hot. I am sick of coughing, used tissues, and red crusty noses. None of us are sleeping and I want Spring to come NOW!!
This week is chaotic as the play opens on Friday. I am grateful for Presidents Day-at least it is a day home. Peris does have practice from 9-1 so she will be gone. I will be glad when the play is over-it has been a great experience but she is exhausted.
My menu is okay for the week. I'm going to put in a few new things for the fam to try. We cannot live on mac and cheese alone!!!
Monday - Baked parmigian chicken with noodles and sauce on the side
Tuesday - Mac and Cheese
Wednesday - Turkey
Thursday - Stroganoff meatballs over egg noodles (new)
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Michael's carnival so we are eating at Prairieland
Sunday - Chili, cornbread (I still haven't made this from 2 weeks ago!)
Head over to for some really good recipes!!! That's where I'll be heading to see if I can perk our meals up for next week!!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Heart Day 2009
Ella reading to Emmy and Fiona
Prairieland Skate Night
Scott helping Michael skate
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
He loves me....
They did make me feel special and appreciated:)
Thank you Daddio!!!
The Sickies
We are making the best of our sick days here together. The warmer temperatures are making it easier to get outside for walks with the girls.
We are headed out for some much needed fresh air. PBS kids has lost its luster and we are now crabby and irritable.
Fiona and Emmy are both under the weather. I sent Peris off with a sore throat so I am sure she will bite the dust next. She is just too busy-a nine year old should not have her schedule. As I have mentioned before-lesson learned. Hey-we've never had a nine year old before thus she must pave the way-poor thing.
I have the little ones settled watching PBS kids-yesterday went downhill very quickly so I am armed with the remote today. We will take Henry for a walk later (if I can find the tire pump for the jogging stroller) and we might make some play doh.
It sure does feel good to have this breeze.....
Monday, February 9, 2009
Let me make one thing very clear. My opinions are MY own. There are many parents who would not agree with the choices that we have made and I say kudos to you for making your own choices. As we all know, parenting is one smorgasboard of choice. Do we bottle feed or breastfeed? Do we do preschool/montessorri school/keep them at home? Do we work? Use daycare? Become stay at home parents? The vaccination issue is just one more stand we take as advocates for our little people.
That being said, we do vaccinate our children. We choose to do this differently-let me explain. Until my youngest daughter was two years old, we vaccinated our children according to the routine schedule given to us by our Pediatrician (this is endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics). We had no reason to question this routine schedule and did not know that we could alter this schedule. Due to personal circumstances with our youngest daughter (an autism diagnosis when she was 2) I began to do a lot of research into links between autism and the environment. This sparked a need for change in our family unit so we then decided to vaccinate our children by separating the MMR shot and requesting that it come thimerisal free (which we are told now that most shots are free of routinely). Our children receive the measles and then 30 days later go in for the mumps followed 30 days later by the rubella shot. Yes they are getting 3 shots versus one and no I do not feel that I am a bad/mean/cruel parent for doing this. We also do not do combination vaccinations such as the newer kinex shot (for dtap and polio) and yes Emmy did have a wicked reaction to this particular vaccination-a red, hot, raised welt that last from August 18, 2008 until December of 2008. We also do not do flu vaccinations due to the high metal content.
Many people will tell me freely that there is no official link to any disease/disorder and a vaccination-but to those people I say: until you have walked in my shoes you have no place to judge. Until two of your children receive an autistic diagnosis , until you have spent thousands of hours in therapy, watched your child retreat into themselves/not speak/not make eye contact/not play with another sibling, until you have waited to hear your daughter say "Mama" and your son to stop behavior that he cannot control, until you have taken your child out into public and have had people openly stare when your child is falling apart instead of offering to help...PLEASE do not tell me that you are right and I am wrong. Because even if you do, I am not listening:)
So there you answer to your questions (I hope). And for the record my daughter has come back from a very dark place and is living a full, typical life. Our son has also come a long way and will continue to blossom with the love of his very large family.
Monday Menu
Monday - chicken nuggets, veggie, fruit
Tuesday - grilled cheese, veggie, fruit
Wednesday - Hot dogs, fries, fruit
Thursday - Tortellini, meat sauce, bread, salad
Friday - Pizza
Sat. - Valentine's meal
Burgers on the grill (our family favorite lovingly prepared by Daddio)
Curly fries
Pink cake with pink icing and sprinkles
Sunday - Chili (from last Sunday)
If desperate, I always have the makings of breakfast night-God bless the waffle iron.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Menu Plan Monday
In the spirit of a post devoted to our weekly menu, I thought I would include the lovely snapshot of myself cooking...bacon. Yesterday we had breakfast for lunch and so I made Derek and I our favorite low cal (NOT) treat.