What I have learned from life experiences with Emmy Rose Story.......
1. Gods timing is perfect in every aspect of our lives (Proverbs 19:21)
2. God really is in control so we might as well let go.....
3. Stuff means nothing....there is not a house big enough or a car shiny enough that can take the place of pain, joy, sorrow, hope or hearing your child say for the first time, "I love you Mom".
4. Faith HAS to get your through times of disbelief, fear, anxiety, and walking through a spiritual desert (Hebrews 11:1,6)
5. Asking for help is okay (Psalm 63: 7-8)
6. Getting angry is acceptable (Ephesians 4:26-27)
7. Love DOES conquer all (1 Corinthians)
8. God made each of us PERFECTLY -our "perfect" may include disability or disfigurement, but it is perfect in His image (Psalm 71: 5-6)
9. You can run the race even if you can't actually run (1 Corinthians 9:24)
10. God does have a plan for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11)
11. People watch how we work through trials...will they see God working in me while I am working through this? (Psalm 71:7-8 and 1 Peter 3:15)
I just found this list in an old notebook that I had written in when I was searching for promises to hang on to during a rough time with Emmy. I have a list regarding Michael that I will share next week. Hey, we are all going through something, but take a look at this list and remember that we are not alone in this life!! While some of these things don't apply to my life anymore (obviously Emmy is walking now), many of them still do. If you haven't taken a peek at your bible lately, open it up and browse a scripture listed above. I gurantee that you will feel uplifted when you are finished!!!