story fam

story fam

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sommer Park Field Trip

Mrs. Irvins' 4th grade crew
Yummy s'mores!

It's a little smokey!!

Hanging out with friends

Mrs. Irvin and Peris

The crash into the thorn bush-ouch!!

The Launch...
Peris went to her first outdoor education field trip at Sommer Park in Peoria. She and her classmates hiked, canoed, and cooked out. It was a fun day once she and her friends got out of the thorn bush while canoeing-this was not the highlight of her day!! She assures me that while she came home with scrapes it was a good experience.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bible Mountaineers

Fiona and Peris each earned their bible mountaineers shirts at church this past Wednesday. This is done through attendance, learning bible verses, and other things in their classes. They were so proud to get them and wore them to school on Thursday.
Way to go!!
Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.
1 Timothy 4: 12

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rock Stars

My two big girls in their new High School Musical and Hannah Montana pj's!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Two Little Monkeys

Two little monkeys pose for the camera in their new, matching jammies

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Autism Walk

Team Story
Me and my baby

Gramma Choo Choo, Pat, and Michael

Peris getting her arm painted

Ella posing

Fiona and her dragon

Emmy and her best friend Joseph

Mike and his silly face

Today we went to the annual walk that benefits the Autism Society of McLean county. It was a beautiful day (a little humid so I did get a tad sweaty) for the walk. I was amazed to see how big the event has gotten since our first walk 3 years ago. When we left, the society had surpassed their fundraising goal of $20,000!!

This year as Emmy and I walked together I pondered all of the things that we were told she would never do: walk, talk, run, make eye contact, have meaninful relationships with siblings/peers/family, learn to read/write, attend a typical school. I looked down as we were on our way and saw this beautiful little girls who is doing all of the things listed above and so much more. Each day with Emmy is a bonus-she is proof that God does live today! Looking at her and seeing how far she has come is in fact evidence that there is a God who works miracles on a daily basis. She turned her little face up to me as we were walking along and she said, "I love you so much Mom." 3 years ago I prayed at night that one day she would speak. That one day she would look at me with recognition. That the efforts and sacrifices we were making would in fact pay off. That some where out there was hope. I have heard her voice. I have heard her laughter as she plays with her sisters. I have heard her sing. I have seen her interact with children at her typical preschool where she has MANY friends. I have felt her chubby little hand on my face when she looks me in the eyes and tells me a story that she has made up (she is in fact very creative). And most importantly, I have seen God answer my prayers.
Michael and I also shared some special moments. He too has untapped potential and limitless opportunity. I am reminded today that because of so many loving and concerned people he has been built up in the school setting rather than left behind. I see a smile that replaces a sad face, a reader who loves books, a little boy whose heart is so big that he knows no one that isn't his friend. I wonder if Michael will ever know how his diagnosis penetrated my very being. How through him I learned a new level of humility and compassion. How my heart broke when I was told that he would never have, or value, typical friendships and how I rejoiced when I saw this become untrue. How I have learned what love really is and how important it is to not be afraid to show that love to everyone. You have never seen anything as beautiful as my son walking into a room full of elderly people (at the alzheimer unit where my grandmother lives) without any fear and work that room handing out hugs and smiles without one bit of self consciousness. My son is being Jesus to these people. He is a light in a dark world. He is energy, fast movement, laughter, anger, passion, joy and excitement. These are the things that define my only little boy-these things that make him great. These things that have taught me that a diagnosis does not define who we are or what we can do. It was an exceptional day.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Splashing Around

Michael, Fiona, and Emmy had fun playing with the hose this afternoon. It is so fun to watch them take 2 buckets, an old hose, and water and have such a great time.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Apple Blossom Farm

Our arrival
Our little zoo animals

The Monster Truck

"The apples are that way Mom"

"It's the perfect apple!" says Ella

Picking the apples up on top

Mike reaches way up high

Picking apples together

Ella on her quest for the perfect apple

The best part of the trip: apple cider donuts-YUMMY!!
Daddy and Fiona riding the 50ft. slide-don't try this at home!

Michael falling off on the way down

Peris and Emmy riding down together

Peris on the rope swing

Feeding the bunnies

Michael feeding the bunnies

Today we went to Apple Blossom Farm. It was a beautiful day-sunny and warm which was nice. The kids played on the big playground, rode the slide, and fed the bunnies. Then we were on to the bakery where they had fresh apple cider donuts and apple cider-Yummy!! After our snack, we went out and picked 9 pounds of golden delicious apples. If they had a bruise Michael was quick to pick them out of the bag-only "perfect" apples allowed. After we finished with that we got the bad news that the pumpkins weren't ready. With all of the rain, the pumpkin patches were muddy and they weren't letting people go pick right now. But we did get all of those apples and tonight may be making my favorite treat: caramel apples.
It was a great day!

Tooling Around Town

Trefzger's Bakery-this is a true bakery! This is where we got our wedding cake and birthday cakes before our move.
Where it all began!! Our old house in Peoria. Doesn't it look pretty? The owners have down some extensive landscaping.

My dream home on Grand View Drive. Can't you see me doing a queen wave from the big front window? I don't think neighborhood could handle the Story Family!!

For part of our fieldtrip we drove the kids past some landmarks in P-town. We went past our old house and neighborhood, to Tregzgers Bakery, and drove down Grand View Drive. The river is flooding the downtown area-we couldn't believe it!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today we are thankful for:

  • Peris- "Miss Wilder inviting me out to lunch"
  • Michael- "That you are getting me Webkinz for my birthday"
  • Ella- "Animals"
  • Fiona- "Colin doing the bubble blower"
  • Emmy- "For you" She is pointing to me:)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Michael and Ella were so sweet reading together this morning before school. They share such a special bond.

Hump Day

I'm not the only one having sleep issues....Fiona is exhausted and very hard to wake up in the morning!! When school is over, she is ready for a nap.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Peris springs for dinner

Tonight Peris decided that she would use a gift card that she received as a birthday gift and took us out to Chuck E. Cheese. The kids haven't been there in a long time (we avoid this germ infested establishment at ALL costs!) and had a really great time. As you can see, they enjoyed their games, pizza, and just being together.